Cochabamba, Bolivia

Cultural Holiday Destination
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Cochabamba is a city of Bolivia. It is the capital of the department of the same name and the third largest city in the country.
Cochabamba is considered the "capital of the valleys" and is located at 2570 meters above sea level. It is a very active city with many parks and tourist attractions.
Cochabamba is a thriving, highly developed and commercial city that blends modern architecture with old buildings, many of them around the city's main square: Plaza 14 de Setembro.
It is located in central Bolivia, so it is easy to reach by road from any cardinal point. It also has an important airport that connects Cochabamba to the main cities of the country.
Tourist points
The city is very active with many parks and tourist attractions.
Among the most important attractions are:
- Cochabamba Metropolitan Cathedral
Construction of the cathedral began in 1701. It retains many elements of colonial sacred art.
- Cathedral Passage
It is a colonial passage located behind the Metropolitan Cathedral, in the passage stands out a water fountain, the place is used for cultural events and an art gallery.
- Palace of Portales
Today it functions as a cultural center where different artistic manifestations take place. The Palace is located in the neighborhood of Queru Queru.
- Christ of Concord
It is the most famous monument of Cochabamba, symbol of the city and the most visited attraction by tourists.
- Botanical Garden "Martín Cárdenas"
The Botanical Garden has a wide variety of cactus species and a collection of plant specimens from different continents, beautiful trees and native shrubs in pleasant gardens and trails.
- Monument heroines of la Coronilla
The monument was built in honor of the independence movement of May 27, 1812, led by Manuela Gandarillas.
- Alalay Lagoon
It is a lagoon near the city where many people travel for a moment outdoors, you can go hiking, biking and bird watching.

Cochabamba's Major Holidays:
 - Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria: February 2.
- Feast of the Virgin of Urkupiña: August 15th.

The buildings are colonial, have a huge and rich Indian market, beautiful landscapes and are an important university center.
Cochabamba is known for its cuisine due to the high level of cuisine and the variety of typical dishes it has. Being a fertile valley with a pleasant climate, it has been considered as the gastronomic capital of Bolivia. It is also characterized by a daily peculiarity, where the special is a typical dish according to the day of the week. No matter what day it is, there is always a delight to taste.
The "pique" is a dish that combines meat, sausages and potatoes. The spicy can not miss.
It has a fusion with Spanish food, with food that comes from Europe, with miscegenation.
Local currency
Local currency: Bolivian.
Official language
Good quality.
Health and vaccination
With the exception of large cities, particularly high-class hotels, sanitary conditions are poor.

In tropical regions there are cases of yellow fever and malaria. Dengue outbreaks often occur during summer, so use of repellents is recommended. The consumption of food purchased from street vendors is discouraged.
In Cochabamba, summer is short, warm and almost cloudy.
Winter is short, mild and almost cloudless.
Throughout the year, the weather is dry. Throughout the year, the temperature generally ranges from 4 ° C to 26 ° C and is rarely below 1 ° C or above 29 ° C.

The best times of year to visit Cochabamba and warm weather activities are from late March to late April and mid-August to early December.
Travel documents
No visa is required for a period of 3 months as long as you have valid passports.
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